ARAMP Form75r Digital Signature Instructions

Step One
Print out and Read these Instructions.

Once you have printed and read these instructions, close this window and click on "Continue to Step Two -->"

Step Two
Click on the link and choose "Open".

Make sure your CAC (Common Access Card) is inserted.

Fill out the bottom of the form by clicking in the blanks beside the appropriate fields and typing in your information.

Fill out ALL fields including DATE before digitally signing the Signature field.

Next, double click on the red arrow beside the line for "Signature". Choose your appropriate certificate. Select "I am approving this document" as reason for signing document.

Select "I am approving this document" from the list of "Reasons for Signing Document"
Click on "Sign and Save As..." and save the .pdf out to your "My Documents" folder on your local drive.

Close Adobe Acrobat and return to ARAMP. Click on the "Continue to Step Three -->" link at the bottom of the page.

Step Three
Click on "Browse" and select the USAR75R.pdf file in your "My Documents" folder

Next Click on "Continue to Step Four -->"

Step Four
Click on "Click Here to Upload 75-R" at which point your digitally signed document will be sent to the server